Swami Vivekananda - Spiritual Prophet of Modern Times

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Swami Vivekananda - a personality as deep as ocean and as broad as open sky - is understood by different people in different aspects depending upon their mental-makeup.
Some see him as Inspirational Leader, others as Nationalist, Patriot, Spirit of India, Philosopher, Saint-Prophet, Rationalist, Social-Reformer, Devotee, Jnani, Yogi, Unselfish Worker for Humanity, Poet, Divine Singer, Musician, Champion of Poor, Champion of Masses and Women, Orator by Divine-Right, Great Thinker, Harbinger of Interfaith-Peace, Embodiment of best of East and West etc.

The views mentioned above, valid as they are, can't exhaust Swami Vivekananda's personality; they are but our perspectives of an infinite phenomenon!

The tremendous spiritual power manifested by Swami Vivekananda has worked wonders on humanity for past 125 years and is expected to last over future millennia. In this page we undertake to highlight the Spiritual Giant in Swami Vivekananda.

May the reader feel spiritual upliftment in his/her life, is our prayer at holy feet of Swami Vivekananda.

----------- Om Tat Sat -----------