Scripture Gist


Scriptures - Inspiration for Moral and Spiritual Growth

Scriptures from various religions and cultures can be of great source of moral and spiritual succor for humanity, provided we focus only on those ideas which are broad, all-inclusive, non-violent, and free from bigotry. A modern human being may wonder as to why should he/she be concerned about a bunch of texts primarily developed in ancient times due to lack of rational inquiry and for controlling ignorant masses! Such a view derives mainly from the 'Science Vs Religion' divide in Western materialistic societies, and which unfortunately, seems to dominate all other societies and cultures.

Dominance of Western powers on many countries in last three-to-four centuries caused this view to percolate almost globally. The 'Science Vs Religion' divide may have been relevant, even necessary, for the unchaining of 'Western spirituality' from the chains of organized religious institutes; but when we look at the hoary tradition of Eastern Religions, we find that this divide had almost no basis and meaning in Eastern cultures.

In India, during Vedic period and in later developments, all knowledge was sacred. Knowledge of 'inner man' was Religion while knowledge of 'outer world' was Science, e.g. science of physics of things is called 'भौतिक शास्त्र (bhautika sastra)' while science of spirituality is called 'आध्यात्म शास्त्र (adhyatma sastra)' or 'ब्रह्मविद्या (brahmavidya)'.

In Mundaka Upanishad we see:
द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये इति ह स्म |
यद् ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति परा चैवापरा च ||

-- The knowers of the Brahman declare that there are two kinds of knowledge worthy to be known,
namely, the Higher [Para] and the lower [Apara]

In the words of Swami Vivekananda:
'... all knowledge is divided into two classes, the Apara, secular, and the Para, spiritual. One pertains to perishable things, and the other to the realm of the spirit ... ...
It is not that secular and spiritual knowledge are two opposite and contradictory things; but they are the same thing -- the same infinite knowledge which is everywhere fully present from the lowest atom to the highest Brahman -- they are the same knowledge in its different stages of gradual development. This one infinite knowledge we call secular when it is in its lower process of manifestation, and spiritual when it reaches the corresponding higher phase.'

And in India, all phenomenon, the domain which science observes and deduces its conclusions from, was always understood to be manifestation of Noumea - the Infinite Pure Consciousness-Bliss Reality. All nature, as well as all beings were regarded as manifestations of the Infinite substance; Infinite Reality expressing as manifold names and forms, as time and space, is phenomenon. This Reality, Truth, or God was the domain of Religion and its expression was science. Swami Vivekananda's definition of Science can be understood from this highest and broadest perspective:

'... In reality, the metaphysical and the physical universe are one, and the name of this One is Brahman...
          ... the variations that the One has undergone, the different sorts of species and individuality It is assuming - that can be understood,
and the enquiry into this is called Science.'

He also says: 'Science and religion are both attempts to help us out of the bondage; only religion is the more ancient, and we have the superstition that it is the more holy. In a way it is, because it makes morality a vital point, and science does not.'

Thus not only religious study is rational and scientific but also necessary for moral, ethical development of individual and society.

In following pages we present notes taken while undergoing such study. May the reader derive spiritual benefit out of it.

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